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Links to some scientific papers

Back Pain

The ATEAM Trial (Little et al., 2008, BMJ) - Found significant reductions in chronic back pain and disability after 24 lessons compared to massage and exercise. Benefits lasted 1 year.

Systematic Review (Woodman et al., 2017, Musculoskeletal Science and Practice) - Reviewed 15 studies, found Alexander Technique led to statistically significant long-term reductions in back pain and associated disability.

Neck Pain:

Randomized Trial (MacPherson et al., 2015, Annals of Behavioral Medicine) - Found a 31% reduction in neck pain intensity after Alexander lessons compared to usual care at 1 year.

Balance/Mobility in Older Adults:

Pilot RCT (Vickers et al., 2004, Health Education Research) - Improved balance and mobility in the elderly after Alexander instruction.

Parkinson's Disease:

Clinical Trial (Stallibrass et al., 2002, Clinical Rehabilitation) - Improved disabilities, walking abilities and overall self-rated functional ability.

Respiratory Function:

RCT (Austin & Ausubel, 1992, Respiratory Medicine) - Improved respiratory function and reduced medication use in patients with asthma.

Performance Anxiety in Musicians:

Pilot Study (Valentine et al., 1995, Medical Problems of Performing Artists) - Reduced performance anxiety and increased respiratory function in musicians.

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